
calisthenica • calisthenica • calisthenica • calisthenica • calisthenica •

The mystic, hysterical and strong body can be maintained, not only by pulling the iron in a trainer room. A fashionable direction in physical culture - a calisthenics has a muscle of advantages before bodybuilding, as in training performance, as well as in perfect times. The calico does not only form strong and bulky muscles, it develops an unbeatable control of your body.

daniels laizan

Daniel is from Latvia. He is only 18 years old, but he already holds the title of world workout champion, which he won in 2015. It is already sponsored by VIA Fortis, which pays the guy all the expenses on travel to various competitions. He is the top athlete in his industry, has traveled to a bunch of countries, runs his own YouTube channel, moved to the United States and just had a baby.